Leaving Beale...

Well, we finally get to leave Beale AFB. On our last day, Shawn's shop had a going away at the bowling alley. This was the going away cake - it was okay, but the icing was a bit sweet. We had lunch and then we bowled a bit. The kids had a lot of fun with it. Shawn did pretty well for never playing. I just sat back and watched it all. Mom and dad were with us. They didn't bowl either.

Shawn is being presented with his going away present by Sgt Atkinson. It's quite a nice frame. There is a small pic of it on this page, but it's a bit hard to see. If I ever remember, I'll take a picture of it to put in here, hehe.

Quite a few guys showed up for the going away - if nothing other than to get out of work, hehe. Just kidding! Everyone there enjoyed working with Shawn and wished him the best as he continued with his career in the AF.

Good bye, Beale!

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